You don’t have hours a day to manage your social media accounts, but if you’ve got just 15 minutes, you can significantly improve your social media interactions.
They call it social media for a reason – your social channels aren’t intended to be a soapbox, rather you should view them as a venue for genuine interaction with your customers and prospects. In fact, according to Edelman’s brandshare 2014 consumer marketing study, 9 out of 10 consumers want to have meaningful interactions with companies on social media.
How do you create those meaningful interactions? Start listening! Here’s your daily social media listening action plan for three of the top social channels:
- Like posts shared about your business.
- Reply to any new posts and messages from customers.
- Comment on and share any relevant posts from local media outlets and the major brands that you carry.
- Check your “Mentions” tab to see new interactions and followers.
- If you’re still in the process of growing your follower base, take the time to thank new followers.
- Star and retweet relevant posts from local media outlets and the major brands that you carry.
- Welcome new additions to your Circles.
- See if any of your Google+ content has been shared by others in their Circle, and thank them for sharing.
Don’t have the time to dedicate to social media? Extend your team with help from the social media experts on ARI’s Digital Marketing Services Team.